Do I feel the burn after going to the gym? No, I feel like going to bed. But it’s getting better | Emma Brockes
Despite eye-bleedingly steep gym fees, I am actioning my spring fitness plan. It is very much a work in progress
It's spring in New York, and the trees are vibrantly green - which can mean only one thing: time for my annual week-long obsession with exercise.
My history in this area is completely consistent, in that it is reliably unimpressive and rooted in delusion. Over the past 10 years, I have leaned heavily on the phrase structural exercise" to prop up my belief that I'm in good shape. I run around all day (for which read: back and forth between school drop-off and pickup, with a solid eight hours in a chair in between) and occasionally lift weights in a desultory fashion. Beyond that, I'm prone and staring at my phone.
Emma Brockes is a Guardian columnist
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