Article 6CSFQ Bill McKibben: Climate Crisis Needs Urgent Action as Earth Records Hottest Temps Ever

Bill McKibben: Climate Crisis Needs Urgent Action as Earth Records Hottest Temps Ever

by (Democracy Now!)
from Democracy Now! on (#6CSFQ)

This week unprecedented temperatures driven by climate change shattered heat records around the world. More records could be broken soon, as scientists say 2023 is set to be one of the warmest years in the history of planet Earth. We can't stop global warming at this point," says Bill McKibben, co-founder of All we can do is try to stop it short of the place where it cuts civilizations off at the knees." McKibben says these temperatures are the inevitable result" of fossil fuel use, criticizes politicians for their simultaneous embrace of renewable energy and fossil fuels, and calls on activists to disrupt the status quo: This is the last of these moments we're going to have when the world is summoned to action by events and when there's still time to make at least some difference in the question of how hot it ultimately gets."

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