Article 6CT3B ‘It was one of the most beautiful sunrises I’ve ever seen’: Dominika Koszowska’s best phone picture

‘It was one of the most beautiful sunrises I’ve ever seen’: Dominika Koszowska’s best phone picture

Grace Holliday
from Technology | The Guardian on (#6CT3B)

Would wind and fog stop the PhD student getting the shot she was after?

Dominika Koszowska is a self-confessed night owl but she had woken up extra early that morning with the goal of capturing the sunrise. The photographer, who is studying for a PhD at the Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice, Poland, was visiting the Faroe Islands with her friend Michal.

The weather outside our rented cottage wasn't encouraging; it was grey and gloomy, but we decided to head for the Skeidhsskardh mountain anyway. We arrived to wind and huge amounts of fog. Michal walked ahead, and suddenly it began to lift. It ended up being one of the most beautiful sunrises I've ever seen, and I was able to capture him looking out over this spectacle of nature with my phone."

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