Article 6CV2W Twitter faces legal challenge after failing to remove reported hate tweets

Twitter faces legal challenge after failing to remove reported hate tweets

Jason Burke
from Technology | The Guardian on (#6CV2W)

HateAid in Germany alerted the social media giant to antisemitic and racist tweets, which were not taken down

Twitter faces a landmark legal challenge after the social media giant failed to remove a series of hate-filled tweets reported by users in what could be a turning point in establishing new standards of scrutiny regarding online antisemitism.

The California-based company, owned since last year by Elon Musk, was alerted to six antisemitic or otherwise racist tweets in January this year by researchers at HateAid, a German organisation that campaigns for human rights in the digital space, and the European Union of Jewish Students EUJS but did not remove them from its platform despite the tweets apparently clearly contravening its own moderation policy.

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