Article 6DKHT Smartphones aren’t the answer for all autistic people | Letters

Smartphones aren’t the answer for all autistic people | Letters

Guardian Staff
from Technology | The Guardian on (#6DKHT)

Elaine Bennett believes the increasing use of technology is only serving to further isolate some people in a neurotypical world

I disagree with your correspondent (Letters, 3 August) that a ban on mobile phones in schools will impact pupils with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) negatively. People with ASD are already at risk of being pushed away from contact with other people and offered technology as an answer to every need.

I have ASD and I'm increasingly finding that the answers to any difficulties I have are all technological ones, often involving a smartphone that I don't have. Having ASD does not equate to preferring to not speak to other humans. I feel that technology is being used as another way to silo people out of a neurotypical world.

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