Article 6DSYA TikTok has its faults, but it’s also diverse, eye-opening and completely full of life | Amelia Tait

TikTok has its faults, but it’s also diverse, eye-opening and completely full of life | Amelia Tait

Amelia Tait
from Technology | The Guardian on (#6DSYA)
The most marvellous app I've had the good fortune to click on has become the subject of the latest moral panic

For the vast majority of human history, it has been impossible for anyone - no matter their wealth or status - to watch a video of a man who eats entire blocks of cheese followed by a video of a woman who dresses like Dr Nick Riviera from The Simpsons.

I've done this - I have done what my ancestors could never have dared to dream - thanks to TikTok. The video-sharing app needs no introduction, because you've undoubtedly already read endless scaremongering headlines claiming it's about to destroy us all.

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