Having bipolar made my pregnancy ‘high risk’. But all mothers deserve an elevated level of care | Eleanor de Jong
Pregnancy comes with mental health risk for all women. And so many of us downplay our own needs and wants once a baby is on the scene
Before my husband and I tried to get pregnant, before toying with names or choosing a room for the nursery, we sat down for confronting consultations with three psychiatrists. I had long been warned of the risks pregnancy posed to bipolar mothers, and had the devastating suggestion made that not having a baby on health grounds should be a serious option for me. My grief, when that was suggested, was immense.
Pregnancy is the single greatest biological event of a woman's life. The combination of surging hormones, rapid physical changes, a labile emotional and psychological state and no or minimal medication creates a perfect storm for women with mood disorders to relapse and experience the worst episodes of their lives. Of all groups, bipolar mothers are most at risk for postpartum psychosis. My likelihood was put at 95%.
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