Article 6EKNM Battle of the AIs: rival tech teams clash over who painted ‘Raphael’ in UK gallery

Battle of the AIs: rival tech teams clash over who painted ‘Raphael’ in UK gallery

Dalya Alberge
from Technology | The Guardian on (#6EKNM)

Two studies use artificial intelligence to analyse old master' painting and return opposite verdicts

Authenticating works of art is far from an exact science, but a madonna and child painting has sparked a furious row, being dubbed the battle of the AIs", after two separate scientific studies arrived at contradictory conclusions.

Both studies used state-of-the art AI technology. Months after one study proclaimed that the so-called de Brecy Tondo, currently on display at Bradford council's Cartwright Hall Art Gallery, is undoubtedly" by Raphael, another has found that it cannot be by the Renaissance master.

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