Article 6EQ7Y Unity seeks to clarify new game engine charges amid outrage from developers

Unity seeks to clarify new game engine charges amid outrage from developers

Keith Stuart
from Technology | The Guardian on (#6EQ7Y)

Games creators attack the fees, due for implementation in 2024, as company executive dials back on initial plan

Tech company Unity has sought to clarify its decision to charge a controversial new fee to game developers. A blogpost on its official site last night announced the company would be introducing a runtime fee", which would require developers to pay a fixed sum each time a game built using the Unity Engine was installed by a player.

Unity stipulated that the fee would only be chargeable after a game made $200,000 (160,000) in 12 months and had at least 200,000 lifetime game installs, but developers nevertheless vented outrage on social media.

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