Article 6GN3Y ‘Even without seeing their faces, it’s storytelling’: Akbar Mehrinezhad’s best phone picture

‘Even without seeing their faces, it’s storytelling’: Akbar Mehrinezhad’s best phone picture

Grace Holliday
from Technology | The Guardian on (#6GN3Y)

The Iranian photographer, in his hometown, flashed back to his youth

In Ahmad Abad, a suburb of the Iranian city of Tabriz, a gaggle of children were playing on a gas pipe. Akbar Mehrinezhad often took photographs here, on the edge of the city, drawn to the subjects he found. When he saw these children some way off in the distance, he had to move quickly. I ran to capture it. Even without seeing their faces, it's storytelling," he says of his choice to focus on their shadows, and one pair of dangling feet.

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