Article 6H0VK ‘I’m sure this fisher had success the next day’: Philip Am Guay’s best phone picture

‘I’m sure this fisher had success the next day’: Philip Am Guay’s best phone picture

Grace Holliday
from Technology | The Guardian on (#6H0VK)

The Filipino photographer on presenting the struggles faced by the people in his community

Philip Am Guay's family home in Manjuyod in the Philippines is just a few metres from the beach where, one day in 2017, he found fisher Manong Ebrin checking his bunsod (fish corral) for a catch.

Manong is a Filipino term, how we address an older man or a brother," Guay explains. I was an operations supervisor at a shopping mall in Cebu City during that time, staying in a boarding house. I would only go home to see my parents about five times a year, and the journey would take eight hours. When I did go, I would head straight to the beach."

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