Article 6HGCY How 2023 became the year Congress forgot to ban TikTok

How 2023 became the year Congress forgot to ban TikTok

Kari Paul
from Technology | The Guardian on (#6HGCY)

Momentum seemed to be on their side of US lawmakers this year to stop 150 million Americans from using TikTok. What happened?

Banning TikTok in the US seemed almost inevitable at the start of 2023. The previous year saw a trickle of legislative actions against the short-form video app, after dozens of individual states barred TikTok from government devices in late 2022 over security concerns. At the top of the new year, the US House followed suit, and four universities blocked TikTok from campus wifi.

The movement to prohibit TikTok grew into a flash flood by spring. CEO Shou Zi Chew was called before Congress for brutal questioning in March. By April - with support from the White House (and Joe Biden's predecessor) - it seemed a federal ban of the app was not just possible, but imminent.

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