Article 6HYK6 ‘Fundamentally against their safety’: the social media insiders fearing for their kids

‘Fundamentally against their safety’: the social media insiders fearing for their kids

Johana Bhuiyan
from Technology | The Guardian on (#6HYK6)

Parents working for tech companies have a first-hand look at how the industry works - and the threats it poses to child safety

Arturo Bejar would not have let his daughter use Instagram at the age of 14 if he'd known then what he knows now.

Bejar left Facebook in 2015, where he spent six years making it easier for users to report when they had problems on the platform. But it wasn't until his departure that he witnessed what he described in recent congressional testimony as the true level of harm" the products his former employer built are inflicting on children and teens - his own included.

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