Article 6HZJS ‘Very scary’: Mark Zuckerberg’s pledge to build advanced AI alarms experts

‘Very scary’: Mark Zuckerberg’s pledge to build advanced AI alarms experts

Dan Milmo Global technology editor
from on (#6HZJS)

Meta CEO accused of being irresponsible' by considering making tools on par with human intelligence open source

Mark Zuckerberg has been accused of taking an irresponsible approach to artificial intelligence after committing to building a powerful AI system on a par with human levels of intelligence. The Facebook founder has also raised the prospect of making it freely available to the public.

The Meta chief executive has said the company will attempt to build an artificial general intelligence (AGI) system and make it open source, meaning it will be accessible to developers outside the company. The system should be made as widely available as we responsibly can", he added.

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