Article 6J078 TikTok’s nine-month cruise: what is it and and why can’t I stop watching?

TikTok’s nine-month cruise: what is it and and why can’t I stop watching?

Patrick Lenton explains it to Michael Sun
from Technology | The Guardian on (#6J078)

A cruise trip advertised as the longest in the world has become its own reality show, with passengers regularly going viral for their video diaries. But is anything actually ... happening?

Patrick, I do not pretend to understand the arcane machinations behind my TikTok algorithm, but lately it has been delivering me video after video of people sailing the world in a nine-month cruise. They are all on the same cruise and there is the same quiet desperation behind each of their vacant gazes. What is happening?

What is HAPPENING, Michael, is essentially a social experiment being broadcast in real time, and some of us absolutely cannot get enough of it.

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