Article 6J2DK AI voice-cloning is supercharging the scamming of parents. But I’ve got a foolproof solution | Zoe Williams

AI voice-cloning is supercharging the scamming of parents. But I’ve got a foolproof solution | Zoe Williams

Zoe Williams
from Technology | The Guardian on (#6J2DK)

Voice cloning is ever more sophisticated - and can be used to impersonate a child and target their parents. So I have devised a new phone greeting for my teenagers

A friend recently got duped by a scam text purporting to be from his middle daughter, and transferred 100 to an account to cover some baffling yet, according to the text, extremely time-sensitive untoward event.

You can imagine how the scammer pulled that off. Think of everyday, low-level parental anxiety, expecting bad news when kids are anywhere farther away than the kitchen table; add the sheer believability of any bad news that starts with a 19-year-old texting: I smashed my phone"; all a scammer has to do is lean in.

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