Article 6J39F Do you have text neck? How phones are affecting us physically

Do you have text neck? How phones are affecting us physically

Tik Root
from Technology | The Guardian on (#6J39F)

Experts say they frequently see people in pain from smartphone use. Here's how to avoid common problems

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Earlier this year, a patient came to physical therapist Theresa Marko complaining of neck pain. Marko, who is based in New York City, began the appointment as usual, asking a series of questions about her lifestyle, habits and posture. Soon, a likely culprit emerged: the woman's cellphone.

The woman, who Marko declined to name for privacy reasons, said she typically placed her phone, or her tablet, on her lap and looked down while using it. That's going to cause a big strain to your neck because you're very, very flexed forward," said Marko.

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