Article 6J8KP Georgia’s Fulton county hacked, but DA says Trump election case is unaffected

Georgia’s Fulton county hacked, but DA says Trump election case is unaffected

Associated Press
from Technology | The Guardian on (#6J8KP)

Many county systems are inoperative, but the district attorney's office says the racketeering case against the ex-president is secure

Officials said court and other systems in Georgia's most populous county were hacked over the weekend, interrupting routine operations, but the district attorney's office said the racketeering case against former president Donald Trump was unaffected.

Fulton county, which includes most of Atlanta, was experiencing a widespread system outage" from a cybersecurity incident", the chair of the county commission, Robb Pitts, said on Monday in a video posted on social media. Notably, he said, the outage is affecting the county's phone, court and tax systems.

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