Article 6JEZ9 40 Amazing IBM Statistics and Facts for 2024

40 Amazing IBM Statistics and Facts for 2024

Jeff Beckman
from The Tech Report on (#6JEZ9)

When people hear the word IBM, what comes to mind is their grandpa's big blue computer company. As many call IBM, Big Blue is more than just an old company; it has brought us mainframes, ATMs, hard drives, and much more. And quite frankly, it makes lots of money doing so.

Guess what? International Business Machine goes home every year with $57 billion. They make this much by offering advanced solutions in cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and quantum computing solutions.Due to IBM's long years of experience, Fortune 500 companies like Bank of America and Boeing still approach it for complex tasks.

But how well do you know this computing heavyweight is over 100 years old? We are about to serve you with top eye-opening IBM statistics and facts. Know that this article will focus on revenue, employees, and locations of IBM, including its usage. So, grab some coffee and join us on this journey.


Quick IBM Statistics and Facts
  1. IBM didn't just appear overnight, folks. This tech legend started operating in 1911 and was founded by Charles Ranlett Flint.
  2. Flint first named it Computing Tabulating Recording. This name sounds catchy. Well, 13 years later, the name was rebranded to International Business Machines," and that's what we know today.
  3. The road hasn't always been smooth for this company. Big Blue had some tough times when It decided to drop less profitable things. But the company still bounced back because it offered customers cutting-edge cloud, AI, and quantum computing solutions.
  4. IBM is known for selling out less profitable things to other companies. This will make them concentrate more on making money with much better products.
  5. Big Blue spends more on innovation every year. We're talking about an investment of a whopping $6.3 billion in research in 2020 alone.
  6. Those smart guys with PhDs are truly doing something amazing. No wonder the company developed over 9,000 new patents two years ago. This act alone makes sci-if look very simple.
IBM Statistics - Market Share


1. 9 out of 10 credit card swipes worldwide touch IBM mainframes during transactions. This means that when buying anything from anywhere, odds are Big Blue made it happen. And the same thing goes for 80% of airline reservations made. This shows how companies rely on IBM for secured transactions.

2. Surprisingly, banks also rely upon IBM. This is because 97 percent lean on IBM for a top-notch job.

3. IBM's part of the cloud market is less than 2 percent. Some people underestimate these company's share. But unknowingly to them, this company is making billions in revenue each year.

4. IBM has done a lot lately in the Healthcare sector. It manages 100 million health records and processes 200 million insurance claims annually. This shows how good the company is at keeping records.

5. It's too bad this company was sold in 2022 to an investment firm known as Fransico Partners. The new owners in the house rebranded the company to a standalone body called Merative. All this happened after 12 years of a smooth ride.

6. IBM isn't just into making high-tech stuff; they also handle cyber-attacks. Know this - IBM deals with 70 billion security events every day. That means their cyber-attack fighters stop 8.18 million hacking attempts from doing damage every single second. IBM is most likely among the reasons the internet is still standing tall.

IBM Users Statistics


People have used IBM a lot recently for stuff like cloud computing. However, depending on the company's plans, how much people still use it will change. If it advances with the changing tides of society, its relevance will be preserved. But now, users are highly expectant, anticipating more from the Big Blue, alias IBM.

7. IBM has been leading in tech trends since the 90s. Maybe that is why a report says over 27 million people check out the company's site. So, even though the nickname Big Blue" sounds old, the company isn't slowing down anytime soon.

8. Not everyone stays long on IBM's website, but more than half of them click five and a half pages each time.

9. Surprisingly, the average person hangs around the website for almost seven minutes. The company is grabbing the attention of tech-savvy readers across the globe.

10. IBM gets a lot of traffic, and more than one out of five comes from America. This is because Americans hold technology in high regard. India is also big on tech, with 12% of visitors. The country is gradually becoming a tech leader nowadays. Even Japan, the land of Sony and Nintendo, provides almost 5% of visitors.

11. More than 70% of visitors are males. Many of them are aged between 25 and 34 years old. However, less than 4% are considered senior citizens.

12. Not every folks stays on IBM's website forever, but many people still become interested in key demographics. The average time of seven minutes tells us IBM still draws people into cool stuff like quantum computing and AI.

IBM Workforce Statistics


IBM holds the title of being the largest employer globally. This is in the field of technology and consulting. This means that IBM has more workforce than all companies in this industry.

13. The company has around 130,000 team members in India alone. And they even house 3000 top research scientists across a dozen development labs.

14. That's not even all. About 12,000 regular individuals use the IBM security suite. This will enable them to block threats. Plus, more than 400 blockchain companies enjoy using their product.

15. In 2021, Big Blue went all out with getting new hands on the job. The company boasted 3,5000 job openings. That's like 1% of the total number of people working at the company.

16. getting people to apply for jobs is one thing, but most people compete hard for those positions. It turns out that about 108 people were fighting for each available spot. That's some serious competition for the positions.

17. Big Blue is working hard to have a diverse team even though people are rushing to fill different spots. About 1 out of 3 of their team members and almost 30% of the top workers are women. Moreover, 1 in 4 leaders come from ethnic minority groups across IBM's global footprint. This shows that the executive boardroom also looks way more representative these days.

18. IBM employed over 345,000 people across 170 countries two years ago. We mentioned that it's the world's largest tech and consulting employer. But they scaled down slightly from their 2013 peak hire of 413,000 folks worldwide.

Important Facts About Big Blue SPSS


19. Most often, people who used to work at IBM become famous tech guys and business owners. That is why the company takes its time before hiring anyone. They always want the best. For example, Tim Cook was IBM's worker but is now the CEO of Apple.

20. IBM SPSS is a strong tool that helps individuals uncover data insights. It was first made by SPSS in 1968 before IBM bought it.

21. So, IBM SPSS has been around helping people since 1968. That's over 50 years of crunching data. We're talking about detecting Healthcare treatment impacts and predicting economic trends.

22. After IBM added it to their collection, they made it more accessible for average folks. Big Blue gives its users a free 14-day test drive. This allows people to check it out for a couple of weeks. Interestingly, if you activate a paid yearly subscription, IBM will give you a 10% discount.

23. Due to how efficient IBM SPSS is, more than 40,000 companies are using it. This shows how efficient the software is in providing useful stats for users.

24. If we break it down, the higher education sector is the biggest user of these tools. About 3,600 businesses in this sector use IBM SPSS. That is a whopping 9 percent of IBM SPSS customers.

25. A report shows that the United States is the highest consumer of this tool. This means that over half of its customers are in the United States.

26. Too bad for the company; expansion has its limits. In 2020, Big Blue had to let go of 1 in 10 employees.

IBM Statistics - Revenue

Guess what? In 2020, Big Blue made $73 billion from its global sales. Unfortunately, the next year, things got a bit tough for them. They lost almost a quarter of that sweet money. That is because of a spinoff. Still, half of their incomes flow in from North America.

27. Talking about the usage of this tool, it seems only companies with 50-200 staff use IBM SPSS. That means only mid-sized businesses find SPSS very useful for data analytics. Maybe small startups probably can't afford the licenses.

28. Regardingthe money angle, 42% of SPSS users are from small companies with less than $50 million.

29. Did you know that IBM has more than 200,000 patents? These patients look at all the awesome thoughts their team comes up with every day. The number of patents this company had as of 2014 was over 7,000. That indicates that nonstop creativity keeps driving this tech legend forward.

30. Big Blue has made a name for itself in business. They make a cool $24 billion from cloud business every year. Making money from ideas is always a smart move for clever giants.

31. The profit was only about 12 percent of all the money they got. Over the years, it has grown in leaps and bounds to a 45% return on investment. This has shown its smart business understanding, as it was operating at 6% in the past.

32. The United Kingdom, which holds the second position, has over 2,600 people who use IBM SPSS.

IBM Stock Statistics


33. Even now, the company is still rolling among the bigwigs in the industry. This old hand, valued at $127 billion in 2021, still captures the heart of investors. This owes to the new kinds of stuff it keeps bearing into the market.

34. From the look of things, not many regular people buy IBM stock monthly. This is because its stock price tends to bounce between $114 to $146 in a normal year. That is way more stable than the crazy cryptocurrency market. But if you put money in IBM 60 years ago, your retirement would be pretty awesome by now.

35. Smart folks have been watching IBM shares since 1962. But know this: the best moment for IBM in the stock market occurred just ten years ago. On March 17, 2013, Big Blue had a closing stock value of 143.42 per share.

Other IBM Statistics


36. Regarding spending, IBM isn't afraid to pour in money. They casually handed over a whopping $33 billion just to become the owners of Red Hat. This company has bought more than 180 companies in total over the years. Now, that's how you stay on top of the game.

37. This company seems to be everywhere, not just in tech. Did you know IBM made its special song, which Thomas Watson Sr commissioned? The song Ever Onward" carries the company's big vision.

38. Whether you call them the Colossus of Armonk or Big Blue, IBM has taken a huge environmentally friendly turn. They slashed CO2 emissions by over half in just five years. This has saved the planet a great deal. And, of course, that's a blend of heart and smart for you.

39. But wait, there's more. Japan even has a cheerlead-backed American football team that proudly rocks the IBM logo in their X league. This company is indeed full of surprises.

40. Big Blue has always been serious about mind-blowing tech. They invest over $6 billion yearly in research and development. This is not just research; we're discussing next-level AI and hybrid cloud tools. This will make every Silicon Valley startup wish they had invented them first.


For the past 100 years, IBM has been at the forefront of innovation. This company has been helping the tech industry and society as a whole. Right now, Big Blue is doing some super interesting stuff. They're exploring the latest in AI and quantum physics. They're even making sure both small and big businesses run smoothly. Imagine 350,000 people around the world working together on things like blockchain. This shows how much IBM has grown to meet our needs.

Frequently Asked Questions How old is this company now?

It is hard to believe that Big Blue has been around for over 100 years. Yes, that is shocking; IBM was launched way back in 1911. Then, they called it the Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company.

Does Big Blue have a theme song, too?

Yes! Ever Onward" is IBM's theme song. This song was commissioned by Senior Watson years ago.

Is IBM or Big Blue for big companies alone, or can small businesses benefit too?

IBM is absolutely for everyone. Both small, medium, and large enterprises can tap into Big Blue's resources. It boosts the operations and efficiency of just any business that uses it.

How big is IBM?

Know this: IBM is one of the biggest companies. Even after removing some workers recently, they still rank as the leading employer in the US and India. Every year, the company opens 100 jobs. These openings attract over 100 applicants.

How many people are working at IBM?

Big Blue employs around 345,000 people globally. These individuals are operating from 150 countries and six continents. This company also has 15 cutting-edge labs with thousands of inventors cooking the next-generation tech.

ReferencesClick to expand sources
  1. Statista
  2. IBM SPSS Software
  3. IBM
  4. Wikipedia
  5. Hc Innovation Group
  6. Statista
  7. Macro Trends
  8. IBM
  9. Stock Analysis

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