Article 6KB3F Where is /etc/pam.d/smtpd.conf in Slackware?

Where is /etc/pam.d/smtpd.conf in Slackware?

from on (#6KB3F)

I've been educating myself all day, trying to figure out how to prevent some local users from using Postfix. These are regular users but I placed some heavy restricitons on what they can do in a chroot.

Finally I remembered about saslauthd, and I thought I've nearly figured it out. But I haven't.

I'm seeing references in my readings about /etc/pam.d/smtpd.conf - a file which doesn't exist on my system. I'm reasonably sure that I didn't delete it.

Given that this file is missing: what configuration is Potfix using in order to authenticate with SASL?

If I create /etc/pam.d/smtpd.conf and guess what to put into it: am I likely to break something on my mostly vanilla Postfix setup?

I'm essentially in the same boat as the guy asking this question on serverfault. He didn't get an answer.

Thanks in advance.
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