Too many hobbies
Hey all, apologies for the sudden and very long break there. A number of people asked me if I was OK, falling off the face of the earth like that - thanks for your concern, I am fine, just over-busy.
Ricky Jay has a line in The Spanish Prisoner where he says that when your hobbies interfere with your work, that's fine, but when they interfere with each other, you have a big problem. I had that terrible problem back in November and something had to give, so I stopped blogging and woodworking for a while there. The combination of a tight deadline at work, helping Mark get the next edition of Essential C# ready for later this year, and working on a series of educational videos ended up consuming all my available bandwidth for technical stuff.
A few months later, the next version of the Coverity C# analyzer is in good shape, Essential C# is down to only a few chapters yet to review, and my first series of beginner videos is not just in the can, but on the web!
Speaking of which: the nice people at O'Reilly asked me to do a series of video courses for absolute beginner C# programmers, like, never-programmed-before programmers. This was a big challenge for me, first because I've never done video at this kind of scale before, and second because it has been a long, long time since I was a C# beginner. I'm pretty pleased with the result though and I am now working on the next course, which will cover OOP.
Finally, I am unfortunately abandoning that series I started on graph traversal. One of the reasons why I delayed publishing the last episodes there was because I found a bug in the algorithm I was going to present, and upon further reflection, I think the algorithm I came up with is just plain wrong. I might do some more research - graph theory is not my strong suit by far - and see if I can find a correct algorithm. But for now, I'm going to let it go and pick up with other topics from my queue.