OpenSMTPD 7.5.0p0 Released
by from OpenBSD Journal on (#6KZW5)
The OpenSMTPD project has released its first post-OpenBSD 7.5 version, OpenSMTPD 7.5.0p0, with a number of notable improvements.
The announcement reads,
Subject: OpenSMTPD 7.5.0p0 ReleasedFrom: Omar Polo <op () openbsd ! org>Date: 2024-04-10 8:38:12OpenSMTPD is a FREE implementation of the SMTP protocol with some commonextensions. It allows ordinary machines to exchange e-mails with systemsspeaking the SMTP protocol. It implements a fairly large part of RFC5321and can already cover a large range of use-cases.It runs on OpenBSD, NetBSD, FreeBSD, DragonFlyBSD, Linux and OSX.The archives are now available from the main site at