Article 6KZYS Reagan Appointed Federal Judge Clears the Air Surrounding Jan 6

Reagan Appointed Federal Judge Clears the Air Surrounding Jan 6

from on (#6KZYS)
Regardless of most political affiliations I think most will find Judge Royce Lamberth's extensive ruling a calming breath of fresh air and reason. From my POV this is the vast difference between what much of the Republican Party has become versus traditional conservative values (isn't that an oxymoron or at least redundant?)

For just a few highlights to give you a preview of the balanced tone, he doesn't call Jan 6 "an insurrection" but in no uncertain terms he absolutely denies it qualifies as "civil disobedience" and very strongly came out in a potent stance against violence and breaking the law for selfish reasons.

He also did not buy into the fake repentance (all too common among MAGA zombies) of Johnatakis at length and with precision referred to police reports, security camera footage, and Johnatakis's own videos, text messages and social media posts.

The Judge noted that after decades of service he was acutely aware of the negative impact convictions, let alone prison time, has on friends, relatives, co-workers and family as well as the burden of passing judgment on otherwise good people who have lived clean lives until they cross a legal line. The Law, the Judge stated, is not about who you are in the US, but rather what you do ! This, the United States of America, is a Nation of Laws, not a nation of Men. It's about principles not propaganda.

If this at all tickles your interest, I urge you to look up Judge Lamberth's full statement. I'm not even going to post a link as I think you should discover this powerful bid for calm reason at sites you already trust... or better, several differing sources. It's actually important.
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