Article 6MKK6 How can we expect mothers to return to work if we’re so reluctant to allow fathers to stay home? | Myke Bartlett

How can we expect mothers to return to work if we’re so reluctant to allow fathers to stay home? | Myke Bartlett

Myke Bartlett
from US news | The Guardian on (#6MKK6)

As a bloke, I have been met with disbelief and suspicion when I've applied for part-time work. Didn't I realise this was women's work?

The job I was applying for was three days a week. It was a backwards step, career-wise, but the hours were attractive. By that I mean that the role's part-time nature would allow me to continue meeting my KPIs as majority parent.

I could keep up with all that important driving and shouting that comprises a career as primary caregiver - the constant shuttling from school to ballet to football to dentist and, more generally, the endless forcing of kids to do things that they will really enjoy.

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