Article 6MM7J Israel is banning Al Jazeera, America is banning TikTok. We know why | Seth Stern

Israel is banning Al Jazeera, America is banning TikTok. We know why | Seth Stern

Seth Stern
from US news | The Guardian on (#6MM7J)

What the two laws have in common is desire to silence Israel-Gaza war critics

The White House rightly said it was concerning" when Israel's parliament laid the groundwork to shut down Al Jazeera within its borders in April. On Sunday, Israel made its move. The Foreign Press Association called it a dark day for democracy".

If the White House remains concerned, it has a strange way of showing it. Joe Biden and his administration have supported and encouraged recent censorial laws and court cases that virtually ensure that dark days" are ahead at home as well.

Seth Stern is the director of advocacy at the Freedom of the Press Foundation and a first amendment lawyer

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