Article 6MQ0E UK public warned after huge rise in fires caused by binned batteries

UK public warned after huge rise in fires caused by binned batteries

Helena Horton
from Technology | The Guardian on (#6MQ0E)

Fire chief says incorrect disposal of devices powered by lithium-ion batteries are disaster waiting to happen'

Fires caused by batteries in waste have gone up by 71% in the UK since 2022, as the rise of disposable vapes and other portable battery-powered devices leads to more lithium-ion batteries ending up in the bin.

An increase in the number of these devices being thrown in household rubbish bins has led to more than 1,200 fires in the waste system in the past 12 months, compared with 700 in 2022, according to research conducted by the National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC) and the campaign group Recycle Your Electricals.

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