Article 6MQ5X Why far-right groups are disrupting US campus protests: ‘When there’s so much attention, they show up’

Why far-right groups are disrupting US campus protests: ‘When there’s so much attention, they show up’

Ali Winston
from US news | The Guardian on (#6MQ5X)

Gaza counter-protesters at UCLA took part in anti-LGBTQ+ and anti-vaccine events across southern California, researchers say

As the University of California, Los Angeles is reeling from a late-night attack on a student protest encampment for Gaza last week, attention is turning to the disparate group of counter-protesters who had rallied against the encampment in the lead-up to the violence, including during chaotic dueling rallies two days before.

Many witnesses to the 30 April melee observed that the small group of assailants - many of them masked - did not appear to be students. More than 30 people were injured, according to the Council on American-Islamic Relations (Cair). Authorities are still working to identify the perpetrators, and have not made any arrests.

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