Article 6MR9Q The Guardian view on Giorgia Meloni’s Italy: the politics of ‘illiberal democracy’ | Editorial

The Guardian view on Giorgia Meloni’s Italy: the politics of ‘illiberal democracy’ | Editorial

from US news | The Guardian on (#6MR9Q)

A strike by journalists at the state broadcaster sends a disturbing signal in one of the European Union's most important member states

According to the latest audit of press freedom by Reporters Without Borders, Italy has tumbled down itsinternational rankings. A crucial factor in its report was the desire of Giorgia Meloni's radical right government to sell off a state-controlled news agency to a press baron - one who just happens to be an MP in her ruling coalition. But in one of the European Union's most important member states, as Ms Meloni's radical right coalition consolidates its grip on power, there are plenty of other reasons to fear for the future of freeexpression and media impartiality.

This week, a philosopher from Rome's Sapienza University will become the latest public intellectual to appear in court, after being accused of defamation by agovernment figure. In a talk show, DonatellaDiCesare described the language used by the agriculture minister, Francesco Lollobrigida (MsMeloni's brother-in-law), as neo-Nazi in tone. Under Italy's draconian defamation laws, she risks a substantial prison sentence if eventually found guilty in a criminal court.

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