Article 6MTJ3 His job as a Virginia elections chief led to ‘debilitating stress’. He’s sticking it out for 2024

His job as a Virginia elections chief led to ‘debilitating stress’. He’s sticking it out for 2024

Kira Lerner in Manassas, Virginia
from US news | The Guardian on (#6MTJ3)

After a tabulation error led to felony charges against his predecessor, Eric Olsen almost quit, but stayed to rebuild trust

Eric Olsen thought his job was going to kill him.

He had been the head of elections in Prince William county, Virginia, for almost a year when he unexpectedly announced during an electoral board meeting in October 2022 that he'd be resigning soon. He was dealing with a serious heart condition and worried about the impact of the debilitating stress" of his new job.

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