Article 6MTMR ‘Israelis go back to Europe?’ Some on the left need to re-think their slogans | Jo-Ann Mort

‘Israelis go back to Europe?’ Some on the left need to re-think their slogans | Jo-Ann Mort

Jo-Ann Mort
from US news | The Guardian on (#6MTMR)

A majority of Israel's Jews today are not descended from Europe, but rather from Arab nations. To expect them to leave Israel is unprecedented, unrealistic and wrong

Though not a prevalent catchphrase in the student demonstrations, the slogan Jews/Israelis go back to Europe" has garnered national, and even international, attention. This phrase, like the much more popular phrase from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free," is troubling because it attempts to negate the existence of the Jewish state of Israel. The Go back to Europe" chant also ignores the fact that the majority of Israelis today don't come from European backgrounds.

Another slogan heard at rallies calls for ending the 75-year occupation", pointing not to the occupation of the West Bank or Gaza, which dates back to 1967, but rather to the date when Israel was founded as a modern nation.

Jo-Ann Mort is co-author of Our Hearts Invented a Place: Can Kibbutzim Survive in Today's Israel? She writes frequently about Israel for US, UK and Israeli publications.

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