Article 6MV25 We’re in a pivotal moment in American history. We cannot retreat | Bernie Sanders

We’re in a pivotal moment in American history. We cannot retreat | Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders
from US news | The Guardian on (#6MV25)

Clearly, our job is not just to re-elect Biden. It's much more than that

In 1776, Americans, living in a British colony, put their lives on the line and fought for independence from the king of England. They wrote the strongest democratic constitution that had ever been written as they created a new nation. That was a pivotal moment in American history.

In 1861, civil war broke out in the United States and more than 600,000 Americans died in the war between the states. Slavery was abolished. Over the ensuing decades, racist forces regained power and established an apartheid form of government throughout the old confederacy. That was a pivotal moment in American history.

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