Article 6MVBT Our democracy desperately needs a reset – and, behind the scenes, that’s the plan | Martin Kettle

Our democracy desperately needs a reset – and, behind the scenes, that’s the plan | Martin Kettle

Martin Kettle
from US news | The Guardian on (#6MVBT)

This is a seismic moment as Westminster prepares for power to pass from one party to another. It will affect everything in some way

The Conservative party's lurch into collective hyperventilation after 2016 gave Britain five prime ministers in eight years. Yet changes of government from one party to another are actually remarkably rare. There have been only three of them in the past half century: to the Tories in 1979, to Labour in 1997 and then back to the Tories in 2010. Lucy Powell, the shadow leader of the House of Commons, pointed out in a speech this week that, at the age of 49, she has only witnessed two changes of UK party government in her adult life; someone aged 30 will not have witnessed a single one in their voting life.

More on Powell's speech later. But her observation about the rarity of change underlines something distinctive as well as something important. Britain's rare changes of regime make it something of an outlier. In the US, Canada and Spain over the same half century, there have been seven such changes to Britain's three. In France and Germany, there have been five. Change is just that bit rarer in the UK, and for that reason it may in some ways be a bigger deal.

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