Article 6MWDM Trump and Johnson spread unfounded fears by urging non-citizen voting ban

Trump and Johnson spread unfounded fears by urging non-citizen voting ban

Sam Levine and Rachel Leingang
from US news | The Guardian on (#6MWDM)

Trump falls back on false claim that non-citizen voting threatened his popular vote, despite data proving that it's a lie

Donald Trump and Mike Johnson are pushing for federal legislation to ban non-citizen voting, which could end up disenfranchising eligible citizens. The effort also underscores how Trump and allies are already seeding doubts about this fall's election.

It is already illegal for non-citizens to vote in federal elections. But new legislation backed by Johnson would amend federal law to require all voters to show documentary proof of citizenship when registering to vote. Currently, Americans who register to vote with a federal voter registration form are required to affirm they are a citizen and risk prosecution if they lie.

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