Article 6MZ3G I’m an Israeli critic of Zionism. Why did border agents detain me at a US airport? | Ilan Pappé

I’m an Israeli critic of Zionism. Why did border agents detain me at a US airport? | Ilan Pappé

Ilan Pappé
from US news | The Guardian on (#6MZ3G)

I was questioned for two hours about my political views on genocide and protest slogans when I flew into the US

I'm an Israeli historian living in the UK, best known for my books on the history of Palestine and the Middle East, which challenge the official Israeli version of history. This month I was invited to the US by a new Arab American organization, al-Nadwa (the Discussion), to share my thoughts on the situation in the Gaza Strip. I also addressed a Jewish Voice for Peace group in Michigan and went to talk to students encamped at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.

After an eight-hour flight from Heathrow I was stopped on arrival at Detroit airport by two people who I thought were agents of the FBI, though I later found out they were agents of the Department of Homeland Security. Two men approached me, flashed their badges and demanded I accompany them into a side room.

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