Article 6N278 The Maldives faces existential threat from a climate crisis it did little to create. We need the world’s help now | Mohamed Muizzu

The Maldives faces existential threat from a climate crisis it did little to create. We need the world’s help now | Mohamed Muizzu

Mohamed Muizzu
from US news | The Guardian on (#6N278)

Small islands like ours face an uncertain future. We can adapt - but climate finance that we badly need must be unlocked

  • Mohamed Muizzu is the president of the Maldives

For the Maldives, the existential threat of the climate crisis, particularly sea level rise, has been a reality we have grappled with for decades. In 1989, recognising the urgency of our situation, with our islands standing just one metre above sea level, we brought this issue to the global stage for the first time.

This early recognition of our vulnerability sparked a national transformation as we embarked on proactive climate resilience and adaptation measures. Thirty-five years later, has the rest of the world truly been listening? If you look at how the world's reaction to the climate crisis is funded, the answer is clearly no".

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