Article 6N3QZ I’m a brown, Muslim European. For people like me, these EU elections are terrifying | Shada Islam

I’m a brown, Muslim European. For people like me, these EU elections are terrifying | Shada Islam

Shada Islam
from US news | The Guardian on (#6N3QZ)

EU institutions have already let people of colour down. Now the rise of the far right poses an even greater threat

My inbox is inundated with messages telling me to use my vote in the European elections because if I don't others will decide for you". My head agrees with the messages from EU politicians that I should do my bit for democracy. But for the first time, my heart isn't in it.

As a European who is also brown and Muslim - and who has long wanted the EU project" to work - I am terrified at the extent of power and influence wielded, inside and outside government, by politicians who are unashamedly racist, xenophobic and Islamophobic and whose vision of Europe - whatever they may say in public - is also inherently hostile to women, Jews and gay people. And I am worried that it is going to get even worse.

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