Article 6N4GN Ireland has dared to recognise Palestine. Will it dare to do the right thing at home too? | Katherine Butler

Ireland has dared to recognise Palestine. Will it dare to do the right thing at home too? | Katherine Butler

Katherine Butler
from US news | The Guardian on (#6N4GN)

Politicians capable of international leadership on Gaza can also defeat the dishonesty that says Ireland is full

The poet Patrick Kavanagh was inspired to write sonnets about the leafy-with-love" banks of the Grand Canal near Baggot Street bridge in south-central Dublin. There was not much poetry or love on the same stretch of the canal the other day, as rain whipped a row of brightly coloured tents neatly lining the towpath, side by side.

The occupants I met were mostly keeping hidden from the rain and, perhaps, from those who kick the tents and attack volunteer helpers, or the self-styled patriots" who travel the country burning down designated refugee accommodation sites, chanting that Ireland is full.

Katherine Butler is the Guardian's associate editor for Europe

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