Article 6N4N2 Louisiana’s move to criminalize abortion pills is cruel and medically senseless | Moira Donegan

Louisiana’s move to criminalize abortion pills is cruel and medically senseless | Moira Donegan

Moira Donegan
from US news | The Guardian on (#6N4N2)

Louisiana, with one of the US's worst maternal mortality rates, wants to make abortion medication a controlled substance'

This week, Louisiana moved to expand the criminalization of abortion further than any state has since before Roe v Wade was decided. On Thursday, the state legislature passed a bill that would reclassify mifepristone and misoprostol - the two drugs used in a majority of American abortions - as dangerous controlled substances.

Under both state and federal classifications, the category of controlled substances includes those medications known to cause mind-altering effects and create the potential for addictions, such as sedatives and opioids; abortion medications carry none of this potential for physical dependence, habit-forming or abuse. The move from Louisiana lawmakers runs counter to both established medical opinion and federal law. Jeff Landry, the anti-choice Republican governor, is expected to sign the bill. When he does, possession of mifepristone or misoprostol in Louisiana will come to carry large fines and up to 10 years in prison.

Moira Donegan is a Guardian US columnist

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