Article 6N4X4 Why is Nikki Haley scrawling genocidal messages on Israeli bombs? | Moustafa Bayoumi

Why is Nikki Haley scrawling genocidal messages on Israeli bombs? | Moustafa Bayoumi

Moustafa Bayoumi
from US news | The Guardian on (#6N4X4)

Haley writing finish them' on an Israeli bomb is everything horrific about the US elite's morally empty foreign policy

This past Sunday night, an Israeli assault struck displaced Palestinians sheltering in tents outside of Rafah, in northern Gaza. The barrage killed at least 45 people in a hellish blaze, according to medics and witnesses, with many of the dead children charred or dismembered beyond recognition. We pulled out children who were in pieces," Mohammed Abuassa, who rushed to the scene, told the Associated Press. The fire in the camp was unreal," he said. The strike provoked another round of international outrage at Israel's actions in Gaza. (Israel says it's investigating.)

Not long after, on Tuesday, former Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley was all over social media for a picture taken of her during a visit to Israel. In the picture, Haley - the one Republican who had been frequently lauded for her smarts on foreign policy - is seen squatting down in front of a row of Israeli artillery shells, likely provided by the United States, with pen in hand. Finish them," she wrote on one of the shells.

Moustafa Bayoumi is a Guardian US columnist

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