Article 6N59P Writing is lonely work but connecting with other novelists on zoom keeps me motivated | Jodi Wilson

Writing is lonely work but connecting with other novelists on zoom keeps me motivated | Jodi Wilson

Jodi Wilson
from US news | The Guardian on (#6N59P)

It's not pretty but conference calls at dawn keep us showing up. We've got novels to write, which is the only work we really want to do

When you work solo, peer accountability is sacred.

Three mornings a week I set my alarm for 5.45am and 10 minutes later I open my laptop to join a zoom chat. My friend, author Gabbie Stroud, appears on the screen. There we are, bedraggled and sleepy, bundled in polyester dressing gowns and big scarves, cradling cups of tea that fog our faces. It's not pretty but it's productive and it's why we keep showing up. We've got novels to write and nothing brings you to the page faster than someone ready and willing to type alongside you.

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