Article 6N5HS Where is Joe Biden’s fury about decapitated Palestinian babies? | Arwa Mahdawi

Where is Joe Biden’s fury about decapitated Palestinian babies? | Arwa Mahdawi

Arwa Mahdawi
from US news | The Guardian on (#6N5HS)

Politicians parroted untrue rumors that Hamas had beheaded Israeli babies. When the children are Palestinian, they shrug

Earlier this week, I sat down to write a piece about a campus safety officer at a public college in New York who told pro-Palestinian protesters that he supports genocide. Yes I do, I support genocide," the officer said, after a protester accused him of this at a graduation event at the College of Staten Island, part of the public City University of New York (CUNY) system, last Thursday. I support killing all you guys, how about that?"

It's possible that you didn't hear about this incident: while it was covered by a few outlets, including the Associated Press, it didn't get a huge amount of press. It certainly wasn't splashed all over the front page of the New York Post the way it would have been if that guard had made the same comment about Israelis. The New York Times, which has written a lot about safety on college campuses - and published a piece on anti-Israel speeches at CUNY just a couple of days before this incident - didn't seem to deem it newsworthy. And the White House didn't chime in with a horrified statement about anti-Palestinian bias on campuses. After all, this wasn't a big deal, right? It was just a security guard saying he supports genocide. Which, it should be clear now, is essentially the same position as the US government.

Arwa Mahdawi is a Guardian columnist

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