Culinary Scientist Samples Caviar at Different Prices to See If It’s Actually Worth the Cost
Culinary scientistEthan Chlebowski,who studies how toget the most flavor from food, sampled six different types of caviar to determine if price made a difference when it came to taste.
We're doing a deep dive into the world of caviar which at upwards of 2,3 or $400 for just 30 grams is easily one of the most expensive foods in the world. But I'm approaching this video as a bit of a skeptic and asking the question is caviar actually worth it? Or is it just popular because of its status as a luxury product?
Before tasting, Chlebowski explained the history of caviar, specifically how it is produced, how it is marketed, what it tastes like, how it became synonymous with wealth and luxury and if the cost is really worth it.
The answer the question is caviar actually worth it, and for me I think the answer is clearly no. Based on my testing I would say you are mostly paying for the high cost that it takes to produce a limited supply of caviar. ....I don't really have any desire to go out and buy more caviar or go to like a higher-end restaurant where they have a specialty caviar service. It's an interesting food, but in no way is that cost justified...