Article 6P708 Enable local-to-anchors tables in PF rules

Enable local-to-anchors tables in PF rules

from OpenBSD Journal on (#6P708)
In a recent post to tech@ titled let's make pf(4) anchors and tables better friends (possibly originating at the ongoing hackathon) Alexandr Nedvedicky (sashan@) introduced code to enable creating local tables inside anchors in pf(4) rulesets:

Date: Sat, 13 Jul 2024 14:32:21 +0200From: Alexandr Nedvedicky <sashan () fastmail ! net>To: tech@openbsd.orgSubject: let's make pf(4) anchors and tables better friendsHello,the change presented in diff below allows user to define tableinside the anchor. Consider rules here:


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