Article 6PFXV Joy Gregory unveils billboard art project at Heathrow inspired by asylum seekers

Joy Gregory unveils billboard art project at Heathrow inspired by asylum seekers

Lanre Bakare Arts and culture correspondent
from World news | The Guardian on (#6PFXV)

Artist known for photographic work was commissioned to create A Taste of Home in Terminal 4 tube station

The UK needs more public art that confronts the major issues of the day, according to Joy Gregory, the award-winning artist who has just unveiled a new project at Heathrow airport that was inspired by more than 100 asylum seekers.

Gregory, who is known for her photographic work and won the 110,000 Freelands award recently, was commissioned by Transport for London (Tfl) to create 24 billboards mounted in the airport's Terminal 4 underground station ticket hall.

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