Article 6PGJG UK politics: Labour puts Tories’ ‘freedom of speech’ law for universities on hold – as it happened

UK politics: Labour puts Tories’ ‘freedom of speech’ law for universities on hold – as it happened

Amy Sedghi (now) and Charlie Moloney (earlier)
from World news | The Guardian on (#6PGJG)

Controversial measure is paused with the education secretary, Bridget Phillipson, indicating that it could be repealed

The cost of England's four biggest killer diseases could rise to 86bn a year by 2050, prompting calls for a crackdown on alcohol, junk food and smoking.

The ageing population means the annual cost of cancer, heart disease, dementia and stroke combined will go from the 51.9bn recorded in 2018 to 85.6bn in 2050 - a rise of 61%.

More importantly, you must now come clean on where the axe will fall under your plans and whether you intend to cut public services, raise taxes or both - having previously denied you would do either."

The excuses currently being lined-up will set alarm bells ringing that the Labour government plans to continue Tory cuts and public services will be starved of the cash they need - just as we have seen with the failure to scrap the two-child benefit cap this week.

The SNP is ready and willing to work in cooperation with the Labour government to deliver the change voters in Scotland were promised - but we also have a duty to stand up for Scotland's interests and hold the Labour government to account where real change isn't forthcoming."

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