Article 6Q3FV Hillary Clinton takes jabs at Trump and pins hope on Harris to ‘break through’ glass ceiling

Hillary Clinton takes jabs at Trump and pins hope on Harris to ‘break through’ glass ceiling

Ed Pilkington in Chicago
from US news | The Guardian on (#6Q3FV)

Clinton gave one of the most powerful speeches of her career at the first night of the Democratic national convention

Hillary Clinton gave one of the most powerful speeches of her career in politics on Monday as she implored American voters finally to crack the highest, hardest glass ceiling" that had eluded her so bitterly eight years ago.

In a rousing 15-minute speech at the Democratic national convention in Chicago, Clinton returned to the theme that she intended to invoke in a victory speech on election night, 8 November 2016. That speech was never delivered, the glass ceiling standing firm in the wake of her shock defeat to Donald Trump.

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