Article 6Q3FX AOC calls Trump ‘two-bit union buster’ as she urges US to elect Kamala Harris

AOC calls Trump ‘two-bit union buster’ as she urges US to elect Kamala Harris

Joan E Greve in Chicago
from US news | The Guardian on (#6Q3FX)

Congresswoman promises Harris would be a voice for working Americans and issued stark warning against reelecting Trump

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez delivered a rousing speech at the Democratic national convention on Monday, offering a full-throated endorsement of Kamala Harris and outlining a sweeping progressive vision for the next administration.

America, when we knock on our neighbor's door, organize our communities and elect Kamala Harris to the presidency on November 5th , we will send a loud message that the people of this nation will not go back," Ocasio-Cortez said. We choose a new path and open the door to a new day: one that is for the people and by the people."

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