Article 6Q47N Judge calls for outside expert in New Orleans archdiocese bankruptcy case

Judge calls for outside expert in New Orleans archdiocese bankruptcy case

David Hammer of WWL Louisiana in New Orleans
from US news | The Guardian on (#6Q47N)

Federal judge vows to hire adviser after attorneys' efforts have not yet led to compensation for clergy abuse victims

In a move opposed by high-priced attorneys on both sides of the Roman Catholic archdiocese of New Orleans' expensive and lengthy effort to reorganize through a bankruptcy, a federal judge vowed Tuesday to hire an outside expert to assess whether the church and those it owes - including clergy abuse survivors - can come up with a viable settlement plan.

People are tired. They are frustrated," bankruptcy judge Meredith Grabill said from the bench, after hearing attorneys for the archdiocese and a committee of creditors urge her to give them a few more weeks to come up with two competing proposed reorganization plans.

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