Article 6Q4AN Kamala Harris criticizes Trump’s ‘no regrets’ comment on overturning Roe

Kamala Harris criticizes Trump’s ‘no regrets’ comment on overturning Roe

Lauren Gambinoin Chicago
from US news | The Guardian on (#6Q4AN)

Vice-president recalled ex-president's boast about ending abortion access and said he will face the consequences in November in Milwaukee rally

Kamala Harris has pushed back on Donald Trump for saying he has no regrets" about overturning Roe v Wade and ending women's access to abortion in much of the US.

Yesterday, when he was asked if he has any regrets about ending Roe v Wade, Donald Trump, without even a moment's hesitation - you would think you'd reflect on it for a second - said: No regrets,'" said the vice-president at tonight's rally in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, just after a raucous ceremonial roll call at the Democratic national convention being held in Chicago confirmed her as the party's nominee for president.

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