Article 6Q4J2 All eyes on America’s ‘blue wall’ as Harris scrambles to woo key voters

All eyes on America’s ‘blue wall’ as Harris scrambles to woo key voters

Ed Pilkington in Chicago
from US news | The Guardian on (#6Q4J2)

Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin hold the election key - can the Democrats see off the challenge from Trump?

Away from the deafening roar of the party faithful that nightly fills the Democratic national convention in Chicago an urgent question is being asked behind the scenes: how can the party convert the energy that has exploded around Kamala Harris's belated candidacy into actual votes on election day?

All eyes are on the blue wall" states of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, where the identity of the 47th US president is likely to be settled. The outsized significance of the three states in the race is evident in the scramble of the presidential candidates to woo them.

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